Presentations Masterclass EDEN2015 Barcelona available
The presentation and recordings of the online seminar and masterclass “How Europe seizes the opportunities offered by MOOCs” are available online.
1. Overview HOME project by Darco Jansen, coordinator OpenupEd and project manager HOME
2. Institutional MOOC strategies in Europe by Antonio Teixeira, President EDEN and professor at Universidade Aberta
3. Opportunities and threats of the MOOC movement for higher education: A European perspective by Mark Brown, National Institute for Digital Learning
4. Didactical and pedagogical approach for European MOOCs by Fred de Vries and Slavi Stoyanov, Open University of the Netherlands
5. Sustainable business models for joint European MOOCs by Cengiz Hakan AYDIN, Anadolu University
6. Building an open knowledge network on joint European MOOCs offerings by Eamon Costello, Dublin City University
The recordings of the session are available on Youtube (part 1 and part 2):